Virtual Reality Event
Virtual Reality has turned out be a boon for almost every individual in one way or the other. Such is the high impact of this future-driven technology that even event industry has not been able to escape it. The event industry has milked Virtual Technology in several ways to appeal to the mainstream folks. The event management companies, whether large scale or even a start-up are using VR to conduct events and facilitate their clients. Here we are listing the top 3 VR trends that are rejuvenating the experience at the events:
The Concept of Virtual Event:
Virtual Reality has played a substantial in several global events such as Rio Olympics and Super Bowl LI. It is also being loved by renowned artists such as Lil Wayne because it brings live music along with it. You must have been thinking how the VR technology is liked so much and what role it has been playing in these monstrous events. Well, we will tell you that. VR enables remote spectators to experience the event not only as if they were there themselves, but closer to the action than ever before. In addition, VR setup also widens the scope of partnerships and co-branding.
The fact is quite simple: Deeper level of immersion results in deeper level of engagement. Hence, it increases the opportunities for sponsorship and endorsements.
Enriching the Live Event Experience:
Virtual Reality has enhanced the experience at several grand events in a supreme manner. It was recently visible at the CES 2017, where Intel had equipped the venue with 200+ VR headsets in order to provide visitors a virtual world in the real world event experience. This technology has also helped events planner massively in venue research. It has enabled them to finalize a venue even without going there physically, thus eliminating the logistical hurdles.
Yet another salient feature of Virtual Reality is the 360º video as it doesn’t take as many efforts as the complete VR and merely requires a mobile phone to function.
Virtual Reality for Mobile & Social Media:
In present world, there is nothing that a mobile phone cannot do and VR too has maximized its reach in order to engage with majority of the people. Virtual Reality comes with a plethora of options for mobile users with most common being Snapchat’s VR Lite. It goes as high as upto the Samsung’s Gear VR. Event management and planning companies well keep in mind this thing before organizing an event. The maximum efforts are inclined towards VR so that everyone at the event gets a dose of it on their mobile headsets.
Social media plays a substantial role as far as events are concerned and it is turning out to be the gateway for live streaming from the venue. Recently, Twitter’s collaboration with Academy Awards proved this. In addition, mixing VR into this, Snapchat provided a glimpse of it at the prestigious Golden Globes via their Spectacles. Hence, event attendees are also provided a VR gateway for the event through social media.
In all, it would not be an understatement to say that VR has become mainstream and further advancements are being made to it so that it reaches to the masses in semi-urban places as well. Indeed, Virtual Reality has been rejuvenating the experience at the events but still a lot needs to be done to make it a household name across the globe.