How Do You Develop AR Apps?
Augmented Reality is a technology where a user can have a direct and indirect view of the real word with the computer-generated world. A user can gain an experience of visualizing the computer generated the image by scanning the object with his mobile or tablet.
If anyone is planning on developing augmented reality apps, one should be ready for different technology procedures.
Augmented reality apps will impose 3D image or text over the real-time images. Here one should have a need to be expert to access image processing techniques.
If anyone is using software to generate images, the images should look realistic and reliable from the user’s viewpoint. It’s also necessary that images are correctly aligned with the real-world environment.
How Augmented Reality works –
There are two types of augmented reality apps -
· Location-based AR App –
· Marker Based AR app –
In Location based AR app user can detect the current geolocation. This is properly embedded in a product like mobile or tablets or with GPS navigational system.
Commonly used Location based AR app –
• Fleet Tracking
• Navigation
• Inventory or asset tracking
• Personnel tracking
Marker Based AR app is image recognition based. In this app, the user has to use portable devices having a camera built in it to scan the image or QR codes. Once the pattern is recognized the app provides the related information.
This app is used by many business sectors to change their marketing strategy and targeted audience. Real Estate, Print Media, Branding, Automobile, Education and many more.
Augmented Reality Apps are currently buzz word using in the technology industry for its innovative and unique techniques. Games like Pokémon are one of the best examples of AR technology.
Yeppar Smart Solutions also provide Augmented Reality, Virtual reality and Mixed Reality customized solutions for many business sectors.